Movement Maker Spotlight: Organizer and Activist Toni Wilson


Meet Toni Wilson, Director of National Organizing at Girls For Gender Equity, Hood Feminist, Writer, Co-Host of Stay in the Sun Podcast, and Body Liberationist. All of these passions combine to create an activist seeking to empower people and womxn of color to accept every part of themselves.

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Background: Grassroots organizing, Nonprofits, Black femmes and girls of color centering Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) folks, Communications, Social Work, Therapy

My Why: Because I needed someone like me growing up. I knew I wanted to do something in my life that felt sustainable and empowering, and made an impact on someone other than myself. I wanted to be seen as a thought leader in my community and provide important and necessary care for Black girls in my community and beyond.

A-ha Moment: When I was on my college campus, I became not only shunned by the white kids for being too radical but also by the Black students who thought I was "doing too much." It was a moment where I knew I was shaking things up and claiming not only my space but the spaces of my ancestors.

How I’m Making a Difference Right Now: In my day to day life, existing is  making a difference. Existing as a fat Black woman unapologetically and defying what societal standards are placed on me daily. By unlearning and learning again. In my career, as a social worker and community organizing centering the needs of Black girls and TGNC youth of color in local, state, and national policy. And by creating spaces where I can politic and share space with other Black femmes in my podcast. I also freelance write for an amazing Black and Plus size owned blog space that allows me to speak to a specific audience that is often disregarded.

My Self-Care Recipe For Success: Sleeping and getting rest! It’s so important to recharge the body. I enjoy collecting candles, praying, creating altar spaces to honor God and my ancestors. I also enjoy treating myself (A LOT...sometimes too much), but I'm a firm believer that I deserve nice things. And one of my major self care tips is reminding myself that just because capitalism exists doesn't mean I need to take part in it. So, I take my PTO (paid time off) when I need to, I sit back and enjoy binge watching shows, and I dance a lot to keep me moving and connected to my Caribbean roots.

Advice for Movement Makers: Make time for peace, make time for you, and be in the work but don't let the work consume you. Take it all one step at a time, always reference elders, and do not indulge in cancel culture unless it is truly needed.

Keep In Touch: Find me on Instagram and Twitter at @fatblackluxury and @stayinthesunpod. You can check out what I’ve been doing lately here.


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