Movement Maker Spotlight: Culinary Curator Quandisha German-Ellis


Meet Quandisha German-Ellis, Culinary Curator and Founder of Breathe Cafe, where she creates culinary experiences and cultivates community. Breathe Cafe’s vision is to create a world where Black and Brown womyn have tools and skills to grow, buy, cook, and eat healthy food that tastes good.

Location: Charlotte, North Carolina

Background: Social Work, Holistic Nutrition, and Youth Development

My Why: I’ve gotten to this place in life through believing in something bigger than myself, leaning on my community of family and friends, and taking my mistakes as lessons for the journey.

A-ha Moment: I realized I was meant for this path when I realized my passion had a place through the people I’ve had the opportunity to impact. When people have expressed how I’ve impacted their lives - whether that’s through food, mentorship, advocacy, conversations, etc. - it’s always a reminder from God and the Universe that I’m living in my purpose.

How I’m Making a Difference Right Now: I am apart of a collective creating space for Black/Brown girls, women, TGNC, and non binary folks to BREATHE through global fellowships, mentorship, food as praxis, storytelling, and healing practices. We curate space that allows ancestral healing, sisterhood, collective wisdom, self love, and movement. We are making an impact through healing ourselves individually and collectively.


My Self-Care Recipe For Success:

2 cups of rest/self care

1 cup of accountability

1/2 cup of using the resources you have around you

3 cups of community support

1/2 cup of Audacity

1 cup of healthy boundaries

1 cup of Risk taking

2 Tsp of being intentional

1 cup of creativity

Also an actual tea recipe that I love is my version of a Green Tea Vanilla Spice Latte. It soothes me so much!
Advice for Movement Makers: There’s an African Proverb that says “If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go fast, go together.”  The only way we can all win and be successful is if we are sharing our resources and building meaningful and authentic relationships with one another. We have to begin finding new ways to trust each other and work together. We all have different gifts to offer this movement and its imperative that we share them with each other.

Keep In Touch: Find me on Instagram at @Da_CulinaryCurator, @Breathe_Cafe, @TheBreatheCollective


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